Data Samples
Use the form below to create a Data Sample Block, which will appear on the Data page. You can create one of three types of blocks: IMAGE, PDF or VIDEO.

For a IMAGE Data Sample Block, you will need to upload:
- a high-res image file
- a thumbnail (that is, a scaled down version of your image)

PDF Block
For a PDF Data Sample Block, you will need to upload:
- a PDF sample document
- a thumbnail (usually an enticing screenshot of the PDF document)

For a VIDEO Data Sample Block, you will need to upload:
- a Video file (it must be a MP4, M4V, WebM, or OGG/OGA) under 5MB
Do not upload a thumbnail as it will not be used, and will only take up room on the website’s server unnecessarily.
IMPORTANT NOTE: A Data Sample Block can ONLY be either an IMAGE, PDF or a VIDEO – it cannot be a combination. If you upload a video, the block will become a Video Sample Block. So if you are creating an IMAGE or PDF Sample Block, do not upload a video file.